Thursday, June 20, 2024

Freeware - Eftilo Mogano Overdrive VST Plugin

Overdrive circuits typically soft-clip your sound by blending a hard-clipped and filtered version of your signal with the original one, resulting in a softer and less harsh distortion. This is usually achieved in the analog domain via a non-inverting operational amplifier with the hard clipping stage in its negative feedback loop. Mogano takes a different approach. Inspired by the Tone Control module in Scirocco, Mogano models parts of a voltage-controlled filter commonly found in music synthesizers and drives it very hard to make it distort. Since the saturation is dynamic and mitigated by a delay-free feedback loop, it allows for a soft-clipped but unfiltered tone, with no emphasis on any particular frequency range. This makes Mogano suitable not only for guitar sounds but also for other instruments like electric pianos, bass, synthesizers and drums. The one-knob operation makes it very easy and immediate to use. Just turn it clockwise for more overdrive.