We felt the urge to give you something to play with while we work on the Soul Capture series. This micro library contains deep sampled pizzicato with 4 dynamic layers and 4 true sampled round robins. As most of you know it is in our nature to sample chromatically, so this library is no different, offering genuine samples for each note played. We have made this pizzicato very tight for any insane rhythmical style, but we have made sure that it remains raw in sound, so it adds an organic touch to any mix. For the second part of the library we have sampled a nice little 16th note repetition spiccato recorded in 120bpm. You can tempo synchronise this in your sampler or DAW and it is simply a lot of fun to play especially if you involve the UVI arpeggiator. This time it has one crisp dynamic layer with 4 true round robins.